Michael Valley and Tanner Reinhard are two Northern Ontario Canadians living here in South Korea. Both are musicians and teaching here, one in Changwon and the other near Seoul. Michael has been here in Changwon for the past 10 years and is ready to leave and make some changes while Tanner has just arrived to South Korea. Both sit down with Scott and Dee to discuss both living in Northern Ontario and South Korea.
The Changwoner Podcast
Website: http://podcast.chnagwoner.com
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/changwoner/
Email: podcast@changwoner.com
This show is recorded at:
CK (Chef’s Kitchen), Changwon
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/ckchangwon
This show is produced by:
The Changwoner
Website: http://www.changwoner.com
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/changwoner/
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