K-PoD: Life In Korea...
Season 3,

Dokdo belongs to . . . The Debate of an Island in South Korea. (Ep 42)

October 16, 2016

In this episode of The Changwoner Podcast, special guest Adam Kent sits down with Scott and Dee to talk about his recent trips to Dokdo, an Island that both South Korea and Japan claim as their own.  Adam also talks about the reasons for his visit to Dokdo and his recent trip to Japan where he heard the other side to  the question, ‘ Who does Dokdo belong to?’


For some more information on Dokdo:

 Contact Information
Adam Kent on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/peewhenyapoo

Direct Download:  http://traffic.libsyn.com/changwoner/ep42.mp3

The Changwoner Podcast

Website:  http://podcast.chnagwoner.com
Face Book:  https://www.facebook.com/changwoner/
Email:  podcast@changwoner.com
This show is recorded at:
CK (Chef’s Kitchen), Changwon
Face Book:  https://www.facebook.com/ckchangwon

This show is produced by:
The Changwoner
Website:  http://www.changwoner.com
Face Book:  https://www.facebook.com/changwoner/

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